Friday, May 4, 2007

latest belly pics

Heres the bellyful again:) Im about 19-20 weeks in the top pic, and about 21 in the second one.
Yes i know my ticker says otherwise, the ultrasound changed my dates forward a week (hmm we'll see LOL! late babies usually here) so now im further along BUT im less obsessed about dates now anyways lol. oh and ultrasound showed b o y bits (!!) so i have been shopping/selling/shopping LOL. will have to update baby's stash pics when it all arrives, i got a bunch of S/H (velour) PP clothes too heehee:)

i dont think my belly looks that much bigger in the pics....but it is abit. some days it seems huge (like after dinner LOL!) but other times it still seems barely there!
im wearing my fave bargain in the 2nd pic, a target maternity dress marked down to $10 and my new suede boots from spendless ($30), pity they dont show up in the pic.


Tracy said...

Beautiful Belly Joh :) woohoo over half way there pretty exciting

Kat said...

wow you look beautiful Joh! and yay for more shopping to do for your boy!

Bec said...

You look amazing Joh - fab belly :)